UN’s 17 World Goals
When you purchase chocolate from Pure Rainforest Chocolate by Koefoed, you are helping to fulfill many of the 17 world goals.
- Nr 1: Abolish poverty. Three men from the local village of Namau in Fiji, are fully employed all year round. They have a steady income each month, to pay for childrens school uniform, books, etc. Schooling in Fiji is free.
- Nr 2: Stop hunger. At the farm in Namau, the men are permanent employed, and at the same time, we encourage other people in the village or other places where cocoatrees grows, to cooperate and share experience and knowledge, also together with those, who only have a few cocoatrees. That creates a potential to produce a larger amount of cocoabeans in a higher quality, that we can purchase.
- Nr 3: Health and well-being. Th goal is to reduce mortality among mothers and newborn babies, prevent epidemics and infections and increase level of health.
- Nr 4: Quality education, to ensure that all children, including those with disabilities, are able to go to school.
- Nr 5: Gender equality. Cocoa growing is hard labour and mostly done by men, but the women can of course join them. The women in Fiji have a different task, growing vanilla. That is not so physical demanding, but it takes a lot of patience and discipline.
- Nr 6: Clean water and sanitation. Elimination of neglected tropical diseases such as trachoma and river blindness
- Nr. 7: Sustainable energy. Still, electricity is not possible everywhere in the fijian rainforest, the best alternative is solarpower, optionally connected with a battery pack.
- Nr 8: Decent productive work and sustainable economic growth.
- Nr 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure. Build resillient industry and infrastructure and foster innovation.
- Nr 10: Reduced inequality. When both men and women in the villages have an income, inequality are reduced.
- Nr 11: Sustainable cities and communities. Make cities and settlements safe, inclusive and resillient.
- Nr 12: Responsible production and consumption. Pure Rainforest Chocolate by Koefoed is manufactured responsible in the rainforest. You only need to eat very little of this chocolate to get the full satisfaction, that is responsible consumption.
- It is the same with vanilla: It’s grown and processed to a high quality, so you can taste and smell the difference.
- Nr 13: Climateaction. The rainforest are the lungs of the world. It is imperative to preserve and develope it in order to stabilize the climate. You understand that, by living in the middle of the rainforest!
- Nr 14: Life below water. The ocean surrounding the 300+ islands of Fiji are polluted with large amounts of plastic waste.
- Nr 15: Life on land. Vanilla plants and cocoatrees needs shade from taller trees. Diversity is achieved by growing fruit and vegetables together with vanilla and cocoatrees. Therefore it is essential to preserve the rainforest.
- Nr 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. Absence of corruption creates transparency, peace and trust. Now you can build strong institutions.
- Nr 17: Partnership for the goals. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.